On our website you will find galleries of our photos plus blogs for some of our travels. You can follow our blog for our current trip to North Africa (Morocco, Tunisia & Algeria) HERE.
Black swan (Cygnus atratus)
Caspian Tern (Sterna caspia)
Green rosella (Platycercus caledonicus)
Hooded Plover (Thinornis rubricollis) with chicks
Hooded Plover pair - Dotterel (Charadrius rubricollis)
Hooded Plovers (Thinornis rubricollis)
Laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)
Musk Lorikeet (Glossopsitta concinna)
Pacific gull (Larus pacificus)
Pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus)
Pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus)
Pied oyster catcher (Haematopus longirostris) chick
Pied oyster catcher (Haematopus longirostris) with chick
Pied oyster catcher with chicks (Haematopus longirostris)
Pied Oystercatcher (Haematopus longirostris)
Pied Oystercatcher pair (Haematopus longirostris)
Red-capped Plover - Dotterel (Charadrius ruficapillus) - male
Ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres)
Ruddy turnstone pair (Arenaria interpres)
Scarlet Robin (Petroica multicolor)
Sooty oystercatcher (Haematopus fuliginosus)
Sooty oystercatchers (Haematopus fuliginosus)
Superb Fairy-wren, (Malurus cyaneus) - male
Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle (Aquila audax fleayi)
Tawny Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides) adult
Tawny Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides) adult
Tawny Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides) family
Tawny Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides) juvenile
Welcome swallow (Hirundo neoxena
White-bellied Sea-eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster)
White-faced Heron (Egretta novaehollandiae)
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, (Calyptorhynchus funereus)
Black swan (Cygnus atratus)
Caspian Tern (Sterna caspia)
Green rosella (Platycercus caledonicus)
Hooded Plover (Thinornis rubricollis) with chicks
Hooded Plover pair - Dotterel (Charadrius rubricollis)
Hooded Plovers (Thinornis rubricollis)
Laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)
Musk Lorikeet (Glossopsitta concinna)
Pacific gull (Larus pacificus)
Pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus)
Pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus)
Pied oyster catcher (Haematopus longirostris) chick
Pied oyster catcher (Haematopus longirostris) with chick
Pied oyster catcher with chicks (Haematopus longirostris)
Pied Oystercatcher (Haematopus longirostris)
Pied Oystercatcher pair (Haematopus longirostris)
Red-capped Plover - Dotterel (Charadrius ruficapillus) - male
Ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres)
Ruddy turnstone pair (Arenaria interpres)
Scarlet Robin (Petroica multicolor)
Sooty oystercatcher (Haematopus fuliginosus)
Sooty oystercatchers (Haematopus fuliginosus)
Superb Fairy-wren, (Malurus cyaneus) - male
Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle (Aquila audax fleayi)
Tawny Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides) adult
Tawny Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides) adult
Tawny Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides) family
Tawny Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides) juvenile
Welcome swallow (Hirundo neoxena
White-bellied Sea-eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster)
White-faced Heron (Egretta novaehollandiae)
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, (Calyptorhynchus funereus)