On our website you will find galleries of our photos plus blogs for some of our travels. You can view photos from our recent dive trip to Saronde Island in North Sulawesi HERE.
Cave of the Kastom Shark exit, The Cave, Munda
Green coral polyps, Munda Bar, Munda
Longnose hawkfish, Shark Point, Munda
Neon damselfish, Munda Bar, Munda
Reticulated dascyllus, Bidi (Big rainbow), Munda
Rolland's demoiselle, Bidi (Big rainbow)
Whitebonnet anemonefish, Bidi (Big rainbow)
Ornate dartfish (Nemateleotris decora), Channel
Meyer's butterflyfish (Chaetodon meyeri), Channel
Minor notodoris nudibranch, Dive location 1
Periclimenes holthuisi shrimp in coral, Dive location 1
Hingebeak shrimp, Douglas dauntless Plane wreck
Leaf fish, Munda Bay
Surface interval, Munda
Plane, Bell P-39 Airacobra plane wreck
Coral grouper, Douglas Dauntless plane wreck
Spotted cleaner shrimp, Douglas Dauntless plane wreck
Squarespot anthias - female
Blackside hawkfish, Shark Point
Skull & carved stone, Skull Island
Twospined angelfish (Centropyge bispinosus), The Pinnacle
Freckled hawkfish (Paracirrhites forsteri), Haepe
Giant moray eel, Haepe
Hippocampus bargibanti (pygmy seahorse), Secret spot
Longnose filefish, Haepe
Dwarf hawkfish, Secret spot
Sunset, Munda
Dendronephthya tree coral, Mbelobelo
Thorny oyster, The Cave
Sabre squirrelfish (Sargocentron spiniferum), The Cave
Squarespot anthias - male, Eagle Nest
Longnose hawkfish (Oxycirrhites typus) #1, Eagle Nest
Ornate ghost pipefish (Solenostomus paradoxus), Eagle Nest
Orangutan crab, Eagle Nest
FIre dartfish, Munda Bar
Speckled damsel, Eagle Nest
Phyllidia ocellata nudibranch, Munda Bar
Cave of the Kastom Shark exit, The Cave, Munda
Green coral polyps, Munda Bar, Munda
Longnose hawkfish, Shark Point, Munda
Neon damselfish, Munda Bar, Munda
Reticulated dascyllus, Bidi (Big rainbow), Munda
Rolland's demoiselle, Bidi (Big rainbow)
Whitebonnet anemonefish, Bidi (Big rainbow)
Ornate dartfish (Nemateleotris decora), Channel
Meyer's butterflyfish (Chaetodon meyeri), Channel
Minor notodoris nudibranch, Dive location 1
Periclimenes holthuisi shrimp in coral, Dive location 1
Hingebeak shrimp, Douglas dauntless Plane wreck
Leaf fish, Munda Bay
Surface interval, Munda
Plane, Bell P-39 Airacobra plane wreck
Coral grouper, Douglas Dauntless plane wreck
Spotted cleaner shrimp, Douglas Dauntless plane wreck
Squarespot anthias - female
Blackside hawkfish, Shark Point
Skull & carved stone, Skull Island
Twospined angelfish (Centropyge bispinosus), The Pinnacle
Freckled hawkfish (Paracirrhites forsteri), Haepe
Giant moray eel, Haepe
Hippocampus bargibanti (pygmy seahorse), Secret spot
Longnose filefish, Haepe
Dwarf hawkfish, Secret spot
Sunset, Munda
Dendronephthya tree coral, Mbelobelo
Thorny oyster, The Cave
Sabre squirrelfish (Sargocentron spiniferum), The Cave
Squarespot anthias - male, Eagle Nest
Longnose hawkfish (Oxycirrhites typus) #1, Eagle Nest
Ornate ghost pipefish (Solenostomus paradoxus), Eagle Nest
Orangutan crab, Eagle Nest
FIre dartfish, Munda Bar
Speckled damsel, Eagle Nest
Phyllidia ocellata nudibranch, Munda Bar